Color Seasons Reading

Color Seasons amirite? This seems to not only be a common discourse these days but an actual obsession.

So What are Color Seasons?

In the cultural zeitgeist, ‘color seasons’ are: which colors harmonize with you based on your complexion.

To be honest babes, I will never understand people’s desire to put themselves in boxes. Because we all eventually grow out of them so why even start? But I know the answer.

It’s because people don’t want to *think* about what to wear and what looks good on them…but personal style and overall creative expression isn’t logical.

It is not based or found in the mind. It is emotional and rooted in intuition.

So the concept of overthinking is already taking you out of your sense of Self and placing emphasis on external perception rather than your internal source that is looking to be expressed. But even with this misplaced emphasis on what we think we should wear, there is still something missing here.

Colors are not just one-dimensional. They are energies in visual form.

So limiting yourself to certain colors based on something one-dimensional like your complexion Is quite frankly absurd. Plus, this trend doesn’t really apply to people of color…and don’t even get me started on how outrageous that Is.

Color Energetics and Tarot Insights

But beyond that, as a fashion Industry professional for just shy of a decade now, I’ve come to observe that colors that look good/bad on you, has little to do with your complexion and much more to do with where your energy Is at.

For example, If you are going through a phase where you are feeling self-conscious or Introverted, a bold and attention grabbing color like red Isn’t going to look good on you.

But that’s not because of your complexion! Be so serious!

It’s more because the color would be wearing you as opposed to you wearing It.

And that’s not to say that you can’’t wear a color If your energy Isn’t In alignment with that If the color!

Because there’s definitely something to be said for working with color energetics In a supplemental way — like working with red If you are wanting to gain confidence and working with the color through embodiment with the Intention of familiarizing yourself with what It feels like to Inhabit the energy of that color.

And as such, colors can give us valuable insight into our current states — what Is present and can be amplified vs. what Is lacking and can be subsidized.

And so, why not combine the insights of both tarot and color energetics?

Well that is essentially what this reading is!

Explore All the Details

The Color Seasons Reading is a live 1-hr. tarot reading where I not only interpret a reading for you, but also provide you with a custom color palette (after the live reading) to work with that is a reflection of the messages that come through during the reading.

This reading, like standard tarot readings, is meant to be an energetic check-in for a certain time period and these sessions are specifically for the season of spring!

The 7-card spread includes insights into the three astrological seasons that make up the spring: Aries, Taurus and Gemini.

This is the perfect reading for the beginning of the new astrological year and will only be offered at the quarter points of the year (equinoxes + solstices).

If you’re familiar with my work you’ll know that I Interpret pretty much everything through color so the Idea for this reading was a natural occurence that I am deeply excited to offer!

Colors are powerful and I refuse to stand by and let them be used In such limiting and discriminatory ways when they are not only expansive but FUN!

I so look forward to facilitating an experience that will honor you In all your prismatic and multi-faceted glory!

Only 15 spots available for spring color seasons readings!

What’s Included

A Live Reading

A live 1 hour tarot reading with meaningful interpretation through the lens of color.

A Custom Color Palette

A custom color palette that reflects your current energetics through color.

Book Your Color Seasons Reading

Only 15 spots available for FALL color seasons readings!