Hello, beauties!

I’ve been wanting to provide shopping guides for the zodiac seasons for so long and I’m finally biting the bullet! Everything I recommend here are brands and products that I myself use because I would never steer you wrong! And as a quadruple Taurus, I can confidently say that I am a seeker and knower of quality, so you can trust my suggestions.

And if you end up shopping any of these brands or products (just click the photos to be directed to the product pages), tag me to let me know! I love to see it!



1.     Bathroom products from Witch Baby Soap

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that I’m obsessed with bath bombs and Witch Baby has always been my plug! I haven’t taken a bath in a long time though since the bathtub in the house I’m currently living in doesn’t function. It’s tragic. So if you have the luxury of a functioning bathtub, use it! Do it for me!

Besides bath bombs though, Witch Baby has incredible soaps and lotions and at this point I exclusively buy my bath products from them.

Because Pisces is a water sign, stocking up on products that will help you ritualize your water time is ideal.

Their products are made intentionally and magickally with herbs, crystals and oils and are vegan and cruelty-free.

My favorites are: Aphrodite Face Soap, Money Soap and the Love Body Butter.

Aphrodite Face Soap

Money Soap

Love Body Butter


2.    Lingerie from Savage X Fenty

Okay so for Pisces season in particular, I always recommend buying vintage lingerie because it’s generally more romantic and has a wisdom to it, just like wise Pisces. BUT, if you’re going to buy new, you might as well buy from Queen Pisces herself, Rihanna.

From my experience, Savage X has affordable products that accommodate and flatter all shapes and sizes, plus their customer service is truly impeccable.

I am a VIP member and buy lingerie and undergarments from them regularly and have no complaints. In fact, I actually have quite a few pieces that are part of my Pisces season capsule wardrobe! Coincidence? I think not!

They don’t repeat drops so if you see something you like: get it! My favorite items (that are in my Pisces season capsule wardrobe) are the: Chantilly Cascade Slip and the Free Spirit Full-Length Robe. Sadly these items are no longer available but they have new drops all the time!


3.    Slippers from UGG

If you didn’t already know, every zodiac sign rules a part of the body and for Pisces, it’s the feet. If you follow my daily outfits, you’ll also know that I am obsessed with Uggs and have several pairs in many different colors and I’m only getting started on my collection. And because the other recommendations I have here are very soft and comfortable, slippers pair perfectly and essentially create the sequence of taking a luxurious bath or shower and then adorning yourself in lingerie and slippers!

I am obsessed with the Fluff Yeah slides because I can wear them both out and at home. I have them in black, key lime (shown below) and a color called Scallop that is no longer available. I’m a 7.5 and the 7’s fit me well!

Fluff Yeah Slide in Key Lime. Perfect shade of chartreuse for Pisces season!


And just like that, you have my Pisces season essentials! Make sure to let me know if you buy products from any of these brands and how you like them! I’m invested in your self-love and I hope that this sacred seasonal shopping allows you the chance to indulge and treat yourself!

Love you!





Aries Season Glamour Guide


Why the Zodiac?